PROJECT 2006 to 2025
Nothing can be achieved without hard work and dedication, which is why becoming the world's
largest network of free online private games is the ambitious goal set in 2023, to be reached
by the end of 2025. It's a solid project aimed to be accomplished in the medium term, over
approximately 20 months of exhaustive and continuous work. This achievement is now
possible due to the existing conditions surrounding this project.
We feel that we have the necessary conditions and experience to accomplish this ambitious
feat and make this portal accessible to everyone, reaching people all around the world in
various languages, becoming the largest and most comprehensive website for free games on
the web.
Focgames was one of the oldest free online gaming websites/domains. Developed in Portugal
in 2006, it used to have over 5000 games. It was restructured in 2011 to have a smaller scale
but in a greater number of languages. Despite having a limited reach, it reached its peak traffic
of approximately 250,000 daily unique visits in 2022, after the manual and professional
translation of the site into 27 different languages. Throughout this period, it has provided
reliable content without encountering any legal issues in nearly two decades of history and
online presence.
In July 2023, this project takes a significant leap forward when it was at risk of stagnation,
something never imagined before. A complex and ambitious agreement was established
between different parties involved, with the aim of turning it into one of the most reputable
and recognized worldwide free web gaming sites by the end of 2025, in just 20 months.
The previous domain holders presented the project's execution and growth plan, assuming a
contract to sell their site and entering into a partnership with entities from different
continents. A well-known Portuguese non-alcoholic beverage company showed interest in the
presented project, with the ambition of increasing their visibility among a younger audience
on a larger global scale. This platform will serve as a means to achieve the desired exposure
starting from the year 2025.
The portal became part of nicoo.in for strategic and advertising reasons.
The goal is to reach 500,000 daily visits worldwide by 2025. Until that year, the project will be
managed and continued through the commitment of the Portuguese company Starter.pt,
which will handle website maintenance and work full-time and intensively on the project from
2024 onwards. Additionally, a specialist in creating digital content and website monetization
through various advertising platforms such as Google Adsense, Google Ad Manager, or Ezoic